How a couple transformed their 'unbearable' conservatory
A couple have transformed their ‘unbearable’ conservatory into a dream home with a play area thanks to NASA-inspired technology.
Chris, 40, and Rachel, 35, were unable to sit in the biggest room in their house for most of the year because it was too cold in the winter and too warm in the summer.
The parents from Formby, Merseyside, would often be forced out of the conservatory during meals by the noise of rain bouncing off the ceiling and have to squint to tackle the glare from the sun.
But installing NASA-inspired technology from CI Group in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester, has “transformed the way we live”. Their conservatory became a ‘PROservatory’.
Dad-of-two Chris said: “It was unbearable for many months of the year.
“You couldn't sit and have a family meal if it was raining because it was so loud and sounded torrential.
“On a hot day, we’d use the room to pass through to get a bit of air in the garden or you'd be squinting because of the glare from the sun off the windows.
“The wind and the rain were unbelievable. If you’re in the front living room you'd know it’ll be raining from the sound from the conservatory travelling through the house.”
Like thousands of homeowners, project manager Chris and teaching assistant Rachel inherited the conservatory when they bought the four-bed property in the coastal town four years ago.
They would benefit from the room being warm in milder April but often couldn’t use it during the evening or winter because it was too cold.
But after an installation over one and a half days in June last year, they noticed an immediate impact which gave their conservatory a new lease of life.
Rachel said: "The room keeps the heat for longer and there's a lot more benefits to what we originally anticipated.
“It’s gorgeous and we can use the room so much more now.
“We’ve set up a seating area at one end and a play area for the kids at the other.
“It’s changed the way we live.”
CI’s cutting-edge C.H.R.I.S® system uses a unique six-layer aluminium quilt and technology researched and developed by NASA on the Apollo Space Shuttle to control the temperature and make the space usable all year.
It helps to reduce up to 90 per cent of heat loss through the roof and control the temperature all year round.
The insulation has added value to the house as well as fixed the glare, helped to block outside noise and stopped the creaking.
She added: “It's a great space. We’re kicking ourselves that we should have done it earlier.
“But you've got to live in a house before you change things!”
With over 30,000 installations throughout the UK, CI Group’s expert insulation offers all pros and no cons for your conservatory.